Saturday, July 23, 2011


While I was cleaning out my emails today, I found an invite to Pintrest from Kristine that I never noticed, because I get so much crap mail in my gmail.

Side note: Ryan just picked up one cat dish and emptied into the other. Because it had no food. Now, I'm trying to tell him where to find Mitchell. He doesn't get it.

So, anyway, I joined. I'm not sure I really, truly understand it, but it's a good place to put things where you want to remember them. And since I am always finding things that I want to do, but never having a place for them, it's pretty sweet for me.

As I said on Facebook, I can't wait for Aug 8 to get here. If that lady at the elective ultrasound place hadn't been so frickin weird, I would have gone last weekend. :( And I would know now. I'm still considering that, even thought Jake just thinks I should wait. These last two weeks are going to be painfully slow.

I wish I could just be off until then, but work is work is work. Pays for the car, for the insurance, and for daycare. Oddly enough. But, if I didn't work, we wouldn't survive. Now, if we had no CC, no car payment, no student loans, no mortgage, it would be totally sweet. Such is life. Seems stupid that all my student loans are for a degree I didn't finish and for the end of undergrad. I wish I would have been smarter with money in college. Things wouldn't be so painful now. Hindsight is 20/20. When you lose your direction half way through college, that sort of thing will happen. I should have taken a semester off to figure stuff out and then started again. Again: Hindsight. :)

Oh, well. Things are good the way they are now, too. I just wish my job was a bit more flexible that it is. I don't mind the 9-5 grind all year, but when you are having babies, vacations are scarce, because you are saving all your time for maternity leave. Maybe once we are done with kids (which should be after this one, anyway), we can start to figure out a way that I could work less and be home more. We'll mark this one, future thoughts. I know I talk about it a lot, but it's usually on my mind.

I also need to make a big list of things that absolutely need to be finished before Dec 20 and things that can wait. Like, finish trim in Ryan's room -- necessary, because the trim is sitting in the new nursery. Fixing the windows in the nursery room -- necessary, because the one has a bum screen and the inside window needs to be painted from brick red to white. Anything with the bathroom -- can wait. Well, that's where the test window is going, so that needs to be done. I'm trying to convince Jake to ask Josh to help (and by help, I mean Josh does the work, because Jake is slow) put a fan in the bathroom. But, that is something that can totally wait until next year.

So, that's on the agenda today. I just wish I had some time to take that I could do some of these things. Like, with Ryan, I could take a week off at Christmas time and I got to paint his room and stuff. Now -- we would have to just do it on the weekends. OR...I just don't get paid my first week off. That's always an option too. :)

Edited to say: I have started the tedious process of hiding my older posts. I don't mind them, but nobody who reads now needs to read "The Year of Undiagnosed Depression". :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

So...would this creep you out?

So, most people who read this (I think) know me from school, right?

I have Google Analytics turned on this blog; there's another blog, that I have never heard of, that has made like 38 referrals to mine and when I try to go onto it to see what the deal is -- because, you know, WTF? -- it's invite only. So, it sort of creeps me out that someone is sending people to my blog and I can't see theirs, to know who they are. I'd send you to it, but it's blocked. I guess I could reference it here and see what happens. Just a little weirded out. Here's the link: Unknown blog So, if anyone knows who this is, feel free to clue me in.

I haven't gotten spam really, so I assume that these are all really peeps.

I have also been thinking about archiving (re: getting rid of) some of the older stuff on here. Not because it's not important to me, but because it's been 5 years. Maybe it's time to let it all go. Part of me is glad that it exists, but I don't want to keep reading about the year that I went crazy and I don't know how much I want to share with people who I don't know.

I've gotten negative comments on here before. Do I want more? Do I care? Not really. They are deletable. Any thoughts on the easiest way to do this? Download my whole blog to my compy and then delete the ones that I don't want showing anymore?

Three day weekend! Going up north for most of it. We'll probably come back in time to see my parents for dinner on Monday evening, I think. So, they can say Happy Birthday to Jake too. :)

Ooooh! Quick story about work: So, there is this lady on my four person team who is the worst kind of co-worker. She is very passive-agressive and she shoots her mouth off a lot. I will call her PAB (passive-agressive bitch); So, because there has been this tradition of nobody really standing up to her in public (our boss gives it to her in private), she just does crap and nobody really says anything. So, she is passing around a sheet, so she can take off July 5th (which means the 3 of us have to balance 4 days with extra work), and nobody cared, because there was nobody else off. I wasn't thinking ahead that far and I just said, mostly to myself, oh, right 4 day weekend. And she started to say something else, something about Christmas and I thought she was teasing me about being off at Christmas time with the new baby. So I said to her, "What's that?" because I didn't hear. And she says the following: "I said that I had to balance everything by myself for three days at Christmas, so I think you will be fine for one day." My jaw just about hit the floor. I guess her memory only extends to stuff she did, because I remember working 12 hours that week and helping her out extra when the other person was sick. Amazing, that PAB. So, I just replied, loud and clear: "Nobody was complaining." I think that I probably sounded shocked, because I was. That she had the audacity to bring that up with me, when I gave up my only vacation time all year pretty much, to work from home. She didn't say much the rest of the morning. The lesson of it all is that if I had known how easy it was to get her to shut up, I would have started a long time ago.

And that's the story of how I accidentally stood up to PAB at work. lol

I only started this 3 weeks ago. Whoops. Better late than never!