Saturday, March 31, 2007



We ate with my parents at The Chancery last night, which involved a lot of beer and a ton of food. Jake and I ate artichoke dip, which was pretty good, but you don't get enough bread with it. le sigh. Then, I had the "French Kiss" burger, which is a burger featuring mushrooms on top and ARTICHOKE dip stuffed in the middle of the burger. It was amazing and I ate the whole thing. Mostly because I was drunk. It's like order toppers when you got back from the house parties. Or the bars. You just eat because it's there to eat. I didn't eat all my onion strings though.

I was stuffed. Then, I feel asleep at like 9, because I was tired and drunky mcdrunk. So, when I woke up at 1am, I thought it was 5am, because I'd been asleep for so long.
It was kind of a long night.

I tried, for the first time, in a long time, to run outside, instead of on a treadmill. Running outside is SO hard for me. The cold air just hurts my lungs. So, I don't know if I can do this half marathon thing. I just don't know. After my experience today, being outside for only about 20 mins. and being more tired than I am when I run on the treadmill, I might have to push as far as I can on the treadmill first and then head outside. That and, I'm not going to be able to run when it's chilly out. I could do it rollerblading, but I'm pretty much gun shy on the rollerblading now. It would probably take a summer of living in EC and roller blading on the bike path everyday for me to recover.

So, anyway, we're off to the home and garden show today with my dad. And probably some basketball tonight. on tv.

Tomorrow, if it's decent out, I'm trying to get my dad to go golfing. It's his birthday tomorrow. I have to go out to Hartland for 9am, but I am just going to show up and tell Becky that I have to leave at 1pm. I don't really care what she thinks either, because I'm just trying to be nice and do them a favor. Plus, I have stuff to drop off/pick up out there too.

The water inspection was good and my parents got to see the house finally. They liked it. It needs work, but it's nothing that we can't handle. I'm looking forward to being able to clean that place and paint her. It's all stuff that I consider minor and if we decide that we want to fix up some stuff, then I don't think that it will be an issue.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

After all my bitching and complaining...

We FINALLY have the house. For sure. Okay, well, our side of the financing could fall in, but I don't think so.

So, in about two weeks, we should have a house. I want to close April 10th. And then we can start working on her. Which I am excited about. Because I am fucking sick of the two kids upstairs. Two weeks can't go fast enough.

And since we're aiming for April, we will only have one month of double payments, which is not too shabby.

Totally sweet.

We'll have to have a kegger this summer! :)

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Apple's newest product.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


All done with teh other place. It was not bad actually. I was really busy on my last day, which was weird, because I think that it was the busiest that I had been in a couple of weeks. Oh well.

Angie and Jennifer and Dale all gave me a hug good bye, wished me luck and all that stuff. I mean, I'm sure that I'll be back there sooner rather than later, because of the house and stuff, so I'll see them around. I'll try to stay in touch, because I didn't hate them. I just disliked the job and the girl. And I could have dealt with teh dislike of the job, if I didn't have the psycho controlling person trying to do my job for me constantly, under the guise of her just being helpful. Half the time, I just wanted to yell "get the hell away from my desk and don't touch my stuff" at her. Every time I was gone, she would go through EVERYTHING that I had sitting at the desk, which meant that stuff that I MIGHT have been doing something with disppeared.

I'm still pissed about her.

Starting a-new right away on Monday. No breaks for me. I don't think that we could afford it.

Things are moving on the new house. Hopefully, the water gets turned on early this next week, so we can FINALLY have it inspected all the way. Since it's been close to a month. I really want to close April 10th. It's a Tuesday, so Jake won't have to take off in the morning, and it just works for me. I would prefer it. And, that's really only a couple of weeks away at this point.

Then, we can spend a couple of weeks cleaning, painting and fixing up things before moving out of this fucking apartment. With the now out of tune piano upstairs.

Probably going over to Mom and Dad's tonight. I should call my mom and ask her if she wants us to bring dinner with us for her, or if we should just stop and eat something and then come over.

I love these Saturdays when Jake works. I mean, I will hate him by next Friday, I'm sure, but I do like to hang out by myself sometimes. I can just laze about in my pj's, unshowered for hours. woot.

Okay, well, I've really got nothing else. Same as always. Thoughts and rants about the house and work and I'm out.

Now, please me me for to set up an interview.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Totally sweet!

So, today, I'm walking around the office and the phone rings. Per usual when I am wandering, I answer the phone from behind and I can't see who's calling. It's Dawn (the mortgage broker) telling me that she just got the preliminary title policy/loan policy for the house!!!

It made it that much more real and I'm super excited because it means that we are almost for sure going to close. If they are doing the title work and all that stuff. I'm very happy about it. So, hopefully, at the very latest, we will close April 16th and I would like to try to close sooner than that, but we will see what happens with that.

I'm just glad that everything is falling into place. I also cannot wait to clean that place. It's so DIRTY! Yuck. And paint the flesh colored trim and the walls and put up drywall in the upstairs to get rid of the scary wood paneling. Everything all the time. New applicances.

And finally: Having a big ass party will all our friends! :)

Thursday, March 15, 2007



It doesn't seem like that many people, but it is weird. A friend from HS in currently in London with her boyfriend, while at the same time, the UWEC kids (and frankly, I only am sure of 5-6 people that are over there that that I know, but there's way more than that).

Makes me wish the following:
1. I wish that I had gone in 2002 with everyone. I don't know why I didn't. It was stupid. Actually, the major factor might have been crazy bitch horn player being in the horn section -- she hated me. And the feeling was mutual. But, I should have gone. And I didn't.
2. I was able to go now. Man, if we would have been in EC (which is where we were headed back to if Jake hadn't found a job in Tosa, because I would have decreed it), I would have been all over that shit.
3. That I could live over there, even if just for a little while.

Needless to say, I really want to go back. Having two days to wander, when you're jet-lagged and 16 years old, well, you don't get much sightseeing done.

Anyway, I should get going. I have to stop and get gas in my car on the way to worky work. 6 more days. I really want to call in sick tomorrow. That would be sweet. :)

Monday, March 12, 2007


Okay, so I copied Yakob, but when I saw his crafty black background, it made me want a black and pink blog. So, here we are.


I think that I'm getting Jake's cold, because I definitely don't feel that good. I have just been laying in bed tonight. Which is pretty sweet, but I just feel all funny, so I guess it's not THAT great.

I'm starting to wish we were going up there for V-Ball (EC, I mean), but I don't really feel that bad about it. Just looking at pictures makes me miss it, but I know that it's not the same as that anymore, so I don't miss it at the same time.

I sort of miss the party crazy girl I was last year. She was fun. Even if she hated being married. :)

They say it's the first year that's the hardest, but I give you this bit of advice -- just live together (unmarried) for one year. I promise you that that first year of marriage is difficult because you are trying to figure out how to live together and it's really nothing more than that. I know that there were so many difficult things that we had to pass through that year as well, but the biggest was just figuring out how to live together and stay sane.

Anyway, I'm going to read some internet-y stuff and then probably will fall asleep. I'm ready to try now and, while it's 9pm, it's really 8pm to my body. So me = pwobabwy sick. guh.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Second one today

So, now I am officially caught up on my BSG to this past Sunday's episode. And to that I say, Pist. PIST.

Plus, I got SO upset at the last episode (you know, more than the Billy episode), that I just said "what? WHAT?" for like a minute and then just sat like I didn't know where I was.


Even though I know that everything will be fine and it will all turn out to be all right somehow.

Anyway, I'm going to hit the shower and take some ibuprofen. My head hurts.

I love these lazy Saturdays....

Jake is still sick, but that's okay, because he's going to work, so he can be miserable while he's miserable at work. He seems better today, actually, so maybe that's a good thing.

I, on the other hand, am getting ready to start my own private BSG marathon, since I basically haven't watched an episode since December. As far as I know, Adama was getting ready to nuke the planet to keep it from the Cylons. But, after I watch the 6 episodes that I need to catch up on, I will be totally sweet.

I should probably run or do DDR today too, for some sort of exercise. I guess that I could run on my parents treadmill too. I figured out my problem with running too. To run the Disney Half marathon, you have to keep a pace of 16 min miles or they will just pull you out. Completely out of shape and totally walking most of a mile, I can keep a 15 min mile pace. So, I figure my problem is this: I like to run fast, but I'm too out of shape to run fast (like, 9 or 8 min miles), so I get frustrated and give up.

Well, I'm not doing that this time. It's getting better. I'm pretty proud that I am able to run a quarter of a mile without stopping. That's pretty good for me. I'll get it up to a half and then a whole, and then keep going. Just have to make small moves. Small moves.

Nothing new on the house -- hopefully, we will hear what the decision is next week. That's what we were told.

Well, Jake is getting ready to leave, which means that I can transfer to my iPod and start watching. woot!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Probably the most amazing week ever...EVER!

So, I had a job interview today at eFunds, where my dad and uncle both work, for an entry-level position in a different area from where my parents work. The interviewer was very serious about the position being entry level and would I be happy doing it, etc. etc. and making sure that I understood that the position was entry level and that I would have to be there a year before I could try to move up in the company to a new position. Which, I understood all that, and my biggest thing was this:

I'm currently stuck in an entry-level position with no hope of advancing or growing and I have to drive 30 minutes on a good day to get there and 30 minutes home. So, that being sad, the job that I did prior to that was another entry-level position where I was getting paid less, having to drive close to 1 hour each way and since I knew that we were leaving, there was no hope of growing anymore. Plus, that year, I was so fucked up and depressed that I could barely keep my head on straight.

I didn't say all of this, of course, but I was thinking it. I did say the first part, which I think won the manager over. The manager and my direct manager were both really nice ladies. I didn't feel that confident about the interview when I left and I was super concerned when I got to work and found out that they had hired a replacement for me and she was starting March 28th.

However, while I was driving home from feeding my parents cats, I got a call from the recruiter and I HAVE A NEW JOB!!!!!!

I make more money, get better benefits, more time off, and will have to drive less and just...gosh! Everything is better. Way better. I'm super excited.

To top the day off, Jake FINALLY got a raise at work, so it's been a good week for two people who, at this point, are extremely motivated by money.

I have to take a drug test and get a background check and all that crap, but it's all good! I'm just very happy. Things are looking up for us. Now, we just need to hear back about that house. Then, everything will be amazing. :)

Anyway, I'm off to print out some stuff for the new job. Hope that Band tour and everything are a-ok. :) Later!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Oh Weekend...

I love you.

We went out early yesterday and bummed around a bit. Then we sat a bit and went to the Golf Show at the Wisconsin Center (or whatever it's called), which was pretty disappointing overall. Way not enough vendors selling stuff. I really wanted some new irons, because mine are WAY too short, but no deal. I wanted a pink golf bag too, but I got rejected by my husband. When to my parents for dinner, watched a couple of eps of Flip This House and then watched the Marquette game, which was pretty sweet.

Today, just hanging around the house. I have yet to shower in fact. But, I will soon, because I need it to live...or feel normal. It's almost 3pm.

Tomorrow: Groceries, cancelling the membership at the Fitness place (more on this in a bit), and interview. Not necessarily in that order.

I made the decision today that I'm going to try to run the Disney Half Marathon next January with my dad. I have 10 months to work up to being able to run 16 minute miles for 13.1 miles. I think that I can do it. However, I'll be borrowing my parents treadmill or running outside, because we can't afford to pay for Cardinal Fitness, considering that we NEVER use it.

I've never set a goal this big for myself (i mean, you all know me. Do I look like I can run that long?), so it will be a challenge. at least I have iPod to keep my brain company. Jake will probably start running with me, so that's cool. With the added bonus that I will hopefully lose all the extra weight I've put on, plus more (maybe?), I believe it is a overall worthy goal.

Anyway, I'm going to go back to being a bum.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Frustrated weathermen...jackasses

'Member that time that they called the blizzard on the wrong weekend? I distinctly remember no blizzard last weekend and blizzard-like conditions right now.

That being said, I survived my first little fender bender unscathed. I was pulling up to the stop sign at 116th and Center (like, 1/4 mile from the apartment and mind you I work 30 miles away) and I could not stop. I know what you're supposed to do in that sort of slid-y situation, but none of it happened, because there were cars EVERYWHERE! So, I just sort of slid and hoped for the best. Like the woman turning right would finish turning and then I could just slide into the curb.

No deal. I hit her back bumper, but I kind of bounced out and half way into the intersection. I turned and pulled over and got out of the car and said, I'm sorry and we traded names and numbers, just in case. Turns out the inital hit was my TIRE on her bumper. Mostly paint damage and no big scrapes. And black and dark green paint? You can't really tell. So, I told her to give me a call if she needed, but she didn't think that she would call. I'm insured anyway, but I would probably just pay for the repairs, if they were less than the deductable, you know?

Dodged a bullet there! However, I'm not going back out all night. And the City of Wauwatosa sure needs to get off it's ass and start salting, because it's not good out there.

I'm a little cranked up right now from the minor bumper cars on the way home. I'm just glad it wasn't worse.

Anyway, happy weekend! Happy 3 day weekend! I have a job interview on Monday at US Bank in West ALlis (which would be like 3 miles from the house)...not that I WANT to go back there, but if they will pay me the same, they have good benefits and it would be close to home. So, that's why the extra day off. I know the culture there and it would be a steady job while I'm continuing school. I just hope that there is some flexibility with the schedule, because my night classes will start at 5:30 and I don't think that if I worked to 5 that I could get there in time.

Okay, I'm going to change into jeans and wait for Jakie.