Josh just called and asked if I wanted to go to the Packer Game tomorrow with Betsy, Brooke and Kristine.
They have pretty good tickets. I don't really have warm enough clothing to go sit outside in 20 degree weather for 3 hours. I also would rather go with everyone, or more to the point, I would rather go with boys, because I act like a guy at sporting events. I think that I would feel self conscious. However, I may be missing my last chance to see Favre in action, although I'm pretty sure I caught him at a Milwaukee game when I was younger at County Stadium. I think. I don't quite remember. I don't know. I'm feeling conflicted. And, I really really don't want to drive back in Packer traffic tomorrow, but I don't know if I'm being an idiot. I already said no, but Jake said something like he would go because he's never been to a game. Well, I never have either -- I don't think that they remember that part. I would rather have my first time be with my husband there too. (DAH!)
There we go there. I had cream cheese artichoke dip for breakfast. I should probably drive over to the workout place to run it off. I get so motivated and then I lose all motivation to do anything. It's sad. I should probably stop getting on scales. It's only discouraging.
My new phone is back up on facebook. I don't know where it went. I'm starting to think that I entered it in and then forgot to save the chances, so it was erased. oops. It's up there now. Well, I'm going to back to watching chritmas movies and crocheting.
You should go tomorrow - Raji will be at that game! I know the chances of you seeing him there are slim to none, but anyway, you could both say you were there.
Don't worry about the numbers on the scale - they mean nothing. Instead, pay attention to how your clothes fit, and how you feel in general. Good luck!
I know I should go, but I'm just not going to. I've got presents that I'm making (crocheting) and I really want to finish a better part of them this weekend.
Thanks for the encouragment. It's tough for me to stay motivated when I have no one to workout with either. Jake says he'll go, but I feel bad asking, because he's usually SO tired after work anyway.
oh well. THANK YOU!
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