Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Three cheers for Crazy Shit Week

I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the moon cycles or something like that.

Anyway, the first two days back to work for me where tiring because it was the end of the month and I had a lot of closings and comission checks to cut for people. Not a big surprise and there weren't as many as I thought that there might be. But, there were enough to be going on with still.

Today I get to work and the boss tells me that she has found a better job closer to her home, so she will be leaving in a week and a half to start that job. I am very happy for her, because her commute just had to suck a LOT. She was in Wind Lake, which is not an easy commute. So, she'll be done the Friday that I will be in Ohio.

So, there is a new girl starting to be trained in the department, which I don't think that we need, BECAUSE the two of us have trouble finding enough to do now. But, we'll see what happens. The business manager for the company is basically taking my boss's spot, which is good, because she was a CPA and now they will have to farm that work out.

However, the powers that be have decided to move the accounting department out to Hartland, which means that I get to start communting again. However, two things are very cool about this: 1. I will get another raise when I start full time in September to help out with the gas money and for the excellent, amazing worker that I am. :) 2. If I really really can't handle the commute anymore (which I don't think will happen, because I would actually like to move further out that way when we try to buy a house. We could live in Waukesha. But, only if I'm in the Waukesha West part of the school district. I hated North for Marching Band AND South is...meh.), they will move me back to the Brookfield office to continue working out of there.

But, I think that the commute will be SO easy that I will not worry about it too much. Just the gas money expenses make me nervous again. That's what got us into trouble last time.

Anyway, just wanted to share. YEAH!


Anonymous said...


So you guys are for sure coming? I love having guests because that means we all get to go out to dinner. I love dinner. See you soon. -Josh

Ryan and Max's Mama said...

Josh --

We are! We are leaving here Wednesday and should be there later at night. Right after Colin's parents leave. :)

You crack me up!