Recap of week: Really dislike the job right now. There is not enough for three people to do...I can hardly keep myself busy for 4 hours. But, I know that if they would just get rid of someone, things would be a-ok. I don't really give a crap who is in charge of what or who checks what, to be honest with you, but someone needs to go! And if they don't get their shit together soon, it's probably going to be me. I'm very tired of putting up with all the crap. I hate going because I don't want to hear the latest bullshit. It is RIDICULOUS that people think that just because they are bestest friends that they need to employ their bestest friends so they have a job, no matter if they are qualified for said job or NOT.
Rant over.
So, Jake's at work today and then he's going up to GB for a bachelor night with all of the guys in the wedding (or most of them) that he's in the first weekend in October. I think that he's staying on Sunday, to hang out with Josh too. I was thinking about going to up the Eau C (my dad was going today), but then found out that the BMB started camp today. So, while it would have been fun to be up there, because everyone is back, marching band camp would have made the day boring and then I would have left Sunday. One night just wasn't worth it. And we're going to see Maggie and Ryan next weekend, so that wasn't an option. Brooke's in CA, that's out. James and Colin were another option, but a) they just got there and b) I just saw Colin, so that crossed my mind for a split second before I realized the following:
I should probably just stay home and clean up the apartment.
Not really as much fun, but needs to be done. I have to clean out the cage downstairs because our bikes need to fit in there, and they definitely do NOT right now. I need more storage and more space. Or less stuff.
To be honest, I don't know why I am wasting the time writing all this down, but I feel like. I'm watching this movie on MPTV that is film noir, but I can't tell if it's pre or post "The Maltese Falcon" or "The Big Sleep". The actors sound like Bogart and Bacall, but I don't know who was imitating who at this point. Perhaps if I knew the name of said movie. I'll probably go look it up.
I need some friends down here. Or I need to move to Saint Louis. Either one.
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