Saturday, April 07, 2007

Tra la la

Oh Saturday. I love you.

The new job is not an exciting as I thought it would be. They told me that it was entry level -- well, that's fine, I don't care, especially if you're going to give me $30,000 a year -- but, they failed to mention that it's really "seasonal" work, as it were. The beginning of the months are very busy and the end of the month is very dead.

I really hate having nothing to do and just sitting there, but until I have all the access to computer programs that I need (which I STILL don't have, and I've been there two weeks now), but not really comfortable saying, GIVE ME MORE TO DO!!!! The girl that I work with, whom I like, is one of those people who doesn't do any more than she has to, to get by. I don't roll like that. I prefer to learn new things, so a) maybe I can move on sooner than a year and b) they give me more money. woot.

Nothing new to report on the house front. I got the loan application that the broker filled out and now she's on vacation, so I have to ask the other broker that she works with to explain it all to me. But the other broker has been MUCH more reassuring and helpful in the past 48 hours than ours has in the past two months. I will probably not recommend ours when all is said and done. But, the other girl is very good. :) All ours does is tell me not to freak out. Which, it is hard NOT to do when your questions are not being answered. grr...

But, I think that we're still trying to close on the 16th. I should really email my agent and ask, so I don't take off that day for no reason. I am really looking forward to being in the house and having something to do on the weekends and at night.

I really need to go run today. I went on Monday night and I haven't run since. I can't keep taking these huge breaks. I'm just moody and when I feel tired and crappy, I don't really want to do much. Plus, IT FUCKING COLD! I don't have clothes to run in when it's below 50 out. I should probably do something about that, because I don't think that it will be warm in Florida in January. It will probably be chilly that morning, especially when the race kicks off at 6am.

But, when I went out on Monday, I did almost 2 miles in 25 mins (or less), which is above the pace for the race, so that was good. I don't know how much I ran. Maybe a mile of it, but not all together. It's SO hard to go outside. The other thing that I read on the race was that headphones were not allowed for safety. Screw that. I'll get a fanny pack (!) and hide my iPod mini in there until after the race starts. I need the music or I'll die. :)

I am going to try to run everyday for the next two weeks (run/walk/whatev), because I'm trying to run a race in Brown Deer on the 21st. The Deer Run. It's a 5k, so it'll be good for me just to finish, even if I have to walk a lot.

Anyway, we're going up to Green Bay tonight when Jake is done working today for Easter lunch tomorrow at Jake's grandma's house. Despite the serving of ham, which I flat out refuse to eat at this point, I am hopeful that there will be stuff for me to eat. We'll see. I can eat about 3 bites of ham before the overwhelming urge to throw it all back up overpowers me. I can only eat some kinds of pig, and ham is NOT one of them.

With that, I say, adieu.


johnseb said...

D double E double R U N. Deerruuuuuuuuunnnnnnn! Are you still coming up this weekend? Cuz I'm so excited to see you. I prolly going to v-ball on Friday but not for sheezy cuz I'm still waiting to hear back on a 2nd ticket for my Dad, so we'll see. But, good luck on the house! Hope you are coming. You should call me if I ever get my phone turned back on.

Anonymous said...

..."Isn't that just the wrong way?"