Monday, April 30, 2007

I sort of had an inkling about this...

The defense pretty much mopped the floor with the DA in the case. I could see this coming in day one, when I realized what the defense strategy was. And maybe in some small way, what the defense says is true. The bus driver should have been able to see and to stop the bus.

But, to me, that still does not negate the fact that the truck driver was the one who didn't sleep the night before, dumped the truck over across a major freeway and set off the chain reaction. He has to be a little responsible for some of this. Maybe the civil trials will clear things up as far as culpability for this whole horrific scene.

I'm also mind boggled by the seemingly unpreparedness of the DA on the case. It was like he was saying, the whole time: "It's my first day"...I could tell on the first day of testimony and cross examination that this was not going to go the way that I would have liked (and in my mind, should have gone).

It's all done and over. Double jeopardy and all that stuff.
The only other thing that pisses me off is the fact that the jury went through EVERYTHING in what, 3 hours, and decided. Something that has been in the works for a year and a half, and they sort through everything in 3 HOURS? AND make a decision? Mind boggling as well.

Just my analysis of what I saw. I gave up watching online, because I knew where everything was going.

Okay, off to change the laundry and then to Menards and food.

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