Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Welcome to Tex...I mean, Wisconsin...

Apparently, there are WAY more conservative people who vote Democrat than I thought.

I find the juxtaposition of the results of last night funny, but not ha-ha funny. Kind of that sick to my stomach funny.

Thank you for making civil unions illegal WI. AND PLEASE, don't leave me messages about how I'm wrong about the referendum. I know what it does. The next few years are going to be interesting. Maybe someone can challenge it as unconstitutional. Oh wait....never mind.

AND THAT death penalty. Don't get me started.

Guh. I think that the 50-nifty United States have wrongly put to death enough people, because one person getting out of death row because of DNA evidence should have been enough to stop all executions.

I really hope, whatever your opinion was, that you got out and voted, because it's the only way to really have your voice heard. If you don't like the results AND you didn't vote, what can you say? Nothing! And I saw enough "status" updates to realize that, yes, I have conservative friends who probably voted the opposite of what I voted, but that is their right as Americans. So, if you are someone who harrasses people that don't have the same opinion as you, just stop.

And yes, I do realize the irony of what I am saying.

And off to another exciting day of work. We were thinking about going up to EC this weekend, but it's not going to happen. We are too tired and old to drive this weekend. It's been a rough time down here the past couple months. We need a break together. :)

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