Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Two a day

Sorry for the double post today.

I'd like to thank Colin for posting a bunch of pictures that just reinforced for me how LONG it has been since I was in EC and how much I didn't really see that many people when I was there last.

Made me really sad. Will probably also make the weekend long. Well, not so long, since Nims and Salwass are coming down on Friday on their way to Chicago. I'm not going, because I just want to stay home and rest, you know, have my day of rest and all. I don't actually know if they are still staying here or not.

If we would have been included on the original plans, it might have been do-able. But, alas and alack, it's not viable. Oh well. Life happens.

So, I'm just going to try to go to bed and have a good last day at work for the end day of my work week. Waiting to hear about any SAI stuff going on. I know something is going on because of something that Hayley wrote, but haven't heard anything official. So, SOMEONE, let me know!!!! :)

Good night.


johnseb said...

SAI=nothing as of now, but Martha-corr. sec and will send out invites early, i'm making sure of it. we are doing 1 initiation whih will take place in spring. otherwise it's official visit dec 1-2. I'll keep you posted when things arise, don't worry,but we just have nothing planned. the semester is going alright SAI wise, the big deal is Libby which is going to be amazing!

Ryan and Max's Mama said...

Oh, right on. Those offical visits are always wacky fun.
