Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Back to Normal Life again

Whatever that is...

The second check up was good today. Everything happened on its own on Monday night, so there was nothing to see on the ultrasound today. Which means that I didn't need to have surgery to get rid of things. I'm glad that the PA didn't tell me that she thought that it would happen Monday night, b/c then I would have been expecting it.

So, they had to take blood from me to check my hormone levels and I'm still over 800. I need to be below 10. So, I go back next Wednesday to check again. Once I'm back to below 10 or zero or whatever I need to be at, we're okay to try again. But, I couldn't drink fluids after midnight last night, so when they tried to draw blood, it was nearly impossible. DEHYDRATED! So, they tried 4 times in the office and then had to send me to the lab. I have some pretty bruises forming currently.

It's very weird to me that on Sunday, I was "pregnant" and now I am not. Even though I hadn't really been "pregnant" since 2 weeks before that. But, my body is way more back to normal already. So, I'll probably start running again in March and go back to dieting and such for a bit. Try to get 20 pounds off. You know. Continue on with the New Year's Resolution list.

Anyway...that's all I've got. For now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about the baby stuff. That's hard and I know you're doing your best to stay positive, or at least sarcastic.
I'm also sorry for being a little pain in the shitter when I was a MiT!! haha!
It would be great if you could be at initiation, along with any and all alums anywhere nearby, because Liz and Laura will also have their senior committment ceremony. You're sure I'm thinking I won't make it through that without tears.
We'll let you know when it is, ok?