Sunday, February 17, 2008

What a day...and it's only 1pm

To Yakob:

Explanation of BW3's
Thank you Wikipedia for giving me the answers to live. Along with other randomness.

Also, Mr. Yakob: THEY ARE RELEASING THE MST3K movie ON DVD AGAIN!!!! MAY 6th!!! BE THERE!!! aslkdjfalsjdfasjdflkajsdnvoiuasdfn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!

To Josle: No, the baby is not in my heart, despite what that picture on the left says. The baby is where babies are. I'm sorry I didn't answer my phone -- you called almost the same time as my doctor did, so that's why the phone went straight to VM. I still think you're awesome!

We're getting RAIN! RAIN RAIN RAIN!! No snow yet. Just rain. Jake just shoveled 2 inches of slush ice off the driveway and out of the garage. Thank you winter. I figure as long as the house doesn't flood and we don't still have 2 feet of snow on the ground after this, we'll be good. But, I do have a feeling, tomorrow morning, it's going to be 5 inches of ice covered by 5 inches of snow. YUCK. Never mind that all the municipalities in the Greater Southeastern WI area are OUT OF SALT. No SALT. yikes. Jake went to the grocery store early today and he said is was the worst off roading he'd ever done.

I had a bit of spotting this morning, which SUCKED and scared the crap out of me, but I think it was because I was working WAY too hard yesterday, painting and stuff, but I had the on-call service page the on-call doctor and he did NOT make me feel better about it. Basically, he told me a bunch of stuff that I already knew or was total common sense.

It has stopped now, but I'm pretty much just sitting around all day, which is boring too. Oh well.

Hopefully, things go back to normal (where I didn't really feel pregnant) tomorrow and I'll be fine. But, now I have to worry about something again. Bleech.

I'm going to have some soup now, which I am very excited for. Oh! And if you really like tomato soup, Panera has some AMAZING creamy tomato soup right now. Plus Turkey Bacon Bravo. oh mi gosh. so amazing. I wish I had some right now. Or Orange Chicken plus Key Lime Pie Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory. Or anything from Maggiano's. I wish I was rich. ha ha. Can you tell I'm hungry?

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