View from the back deck.
It snowed all day. I got to leave work at 3pm, and I was glad that I did, because when I flipped on the TV at four, after I was done shoveling, there had been a three car accident on 45 south at Silver Spring, which is right on the way home, so that would have added extra crap to the already shitty drive.
But, I totally force my car up a snowy hill and it was completely awesome. My steering wheel was all over, my tires were burning and it was totally sweet. I just stayed calm and kept the car moving.
I'm glad it wasn't ice. The little cat is doing something, but what I don't know. I hear movement. Oh...she was finished eating her food and was trying to cover it up. Without success.
My dad was stuck in New York City this morning -- I think that he might be home now, but that really sucks for him. Sitting at La Guardia waiting to fly to Milwaukee.
In other news:
This was Merry Christmas for Jake and I. Now, I can run whenever I want to and I will probably have a much easier time training up until Jan. 12th. So, I'm pretty excited.
I'm currently watching the X-Files. Looks like Season 1. I used to know better, but I have lost my touch. There's dead chickens and it looks very early 90's. Gosh, I used to love this show. The 18 year old in me still does probably. Mulder (Duchovny...whatever) totally was just driving up to a house in the show and totally jumped the curb. Sweet.
Anyway, I suppose that I should go do something constructive...maybe. Wait. Now Chickens are pecking an old lady to death. Sweet.
1 comment:
I'm heading to the Cities today for a gig with Nachito Herrera Fri/Sat nights. BUT, I'll be back Sunday. What about sometime after X-mas? I'm going to be in Wisco thru Jan. 3 (or so). Also, I might be up in EC for New Years - you guys coming?!?!
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