I suppose that I could post more on here...but I'm soooo lazy.
I find that I just don't have much to say. But, since I'm here, I might as well waste the bandwidth.
Since I posted last...hmmmm.....
We got a Christmas tree, which was nice. It's by the bay window. The lazy-boy moved upstairs. The dining room table moved over where the chair was. It has worked out nicely. The tree likes to drop needles a lot, but it's still drinking water, so it's okay with me. Just get out the vacuum and all. I finished decorating the house and I made a few christmas cookies too.
Jake had a cold last week, so that kind of sucked. I didn't get sick, but it's not fun having someone in the house that was sick. It's just a bummer.
I think that I'm going to change my color scheme here when I'm done with this. A little more Chritmasy, I think.
I got a small kick in the pants from my dad last week about running, but I just can't get it going. I'm planning on doing a couple of miles on their treadmill today, when we go over for the game today, and hopefully, that will be the spark that gets me going. I had a plan written out for just getting miles in, in the last month before the race. I figure if I can get 10-12 miles a week in before we leave, I should be good. It's just a matter of not working 45 hours a week and then trying to stop somewhere to run before I go home. Most of the time, I just want to GO HOME! :)
I'll put down what I'm planning here
Sunday (9): 2 -3 miles
Monday (10): rest day
Tuesday (11): 2 miles
Wednesday (12): 2 miles
Thursday (13): 2 miles
Friday (14): rest day
Saturday (15): 3-4 miles
This basic schedule I am planning to repeat until we leave for Florida. The Race is on a Saturday, so it works out pretty well, I think. Rest on Friday while we're down there. and that schedule gives me between 11 and 13 miles a week. I think it looks good. I've really been lacking in the training area, but I've still been losing weight too, so that's good. I'm down 15 pounds since July. That's okay with me. I'm almost back to where I was the summer after we got married (which is when I started to gain all this weight to begin with). Go me! :)
I have not done a lick of Christmas shopping either. Not good. Oh well. I'll get to it eventually. Maybe.
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