Tuesday, October 30, 2007

This should probably go on the other blog, but...whatev.

So, what I have not written about in the beginning of my 29th year of life (now remember, we base our age on the past and not the future, so keep up with me here), was the fact that I did a 15k race on Saturday. Which was HARD. V. hard.

I thought that I was the very last runner/walker, but I found out at mile 8.5 that there were three people behind me.

I started out pretty good, considering that I had no energy or inclination to run that day at all...I did the first 4 miles in 56 minutes -- pretty good. I made it to 6 miles in an hour and a half, still pretty good. By the time that I got to 7.5 miles, my hip joints were hurting, my feet hurt and my back did not want to keep my body up right anymore.

But, I powered through and finished. 2 hours and 22 minutes of constant motion -- some of it running. I kept a pace of between 14 and 15 minutes/mile, which is perfect. I'm not trying to win the half marathon in January, just to finish. At that pace, I would have been done in 3 hours 15 minutes, I think. So, that's probably my goal. I think...hang on.

Okay, they had, until recently, points that you had to make it by a certain point in time -- like the first 3.5 miles in 1 hour and 12 minutes or something like that...now, it's 16min/mile or we'll pick you up whereever. Yikes. So, I guess that I need to finish in 3'15", just to be safe. Okay, good to know.

The thing that really slowed me down was the feet. I could have powered through the hip joints and the back if my feet hadn't been so painful. So, I'm going to get real insoles for my running shoes. So, hopefully, that will really help. I'm going to test it on Saturday, probably by going out for a long mileage and testing them. We'll see what happens.

4 hours later...

Well, I was going to go out and get the insoles, but then I didn't.

So, does anyone who reads this remember Mystery Science Theater 3000? Mike Nelson has a website called Rifftrax.com -- which is him and guests (usually other guys from MST3K, like Kevin Murphy and the second Crow...I can't remember his name), making fun of regular movies. They record the audio only file, and then you pay for that (it's like a couple of bucks) and use your own copy of the movie and play them together. It's fucking amazing! So hilarious! Highly recommended. Seriously.

Anyway, I'm off to finish out my night....by sitting on my butt. :)


gnate said...

I just watched the Nova program on marathons. Reminded me of something. Maybe on my to-do list? Not sure--that list isn't on the couch, so I can't reach it.

As for MST3K alums, Great! a way to pay to watch movies I already own! Brilliant! (And probably worth it.)

Ryan and Max's Mama said...

Totally worth it. Because you're not gonna come up with shit that clever and sometimes obscure in a million years. Shut yer face.