Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I got you these glasses...

They are missing an eye pad. Or whatever they are called. I got new ones, so now they are my back up pair. I have a stronger prescription in one eye than before.

I wish I had some chocolate. I wish I had more time to participate in SAI here in Milwaukee, but I don't. I wish that I could run away to Edwardsville, but I can't.

I had a LONG day today. I had to run my mom to the doctor because she needed to go and Jake had her car, because he's getting a new transmission in the Jeep. So, I had to leave work at 1 and then I didn't get back to work to clean up my stuff until 4:30. I'm not sure that my boss even knows how long I was gone for, or if she even cares how I make the time up. I know that I have to, but I'm drained.

My new glasses are sweet shit. They are a light purple/silvery color and they make me not so dark in the face region. Or the eye region. And I have fucking amazing insurance, so I got them for a song. A sweet song.

I don't know if I ever said this, but we got a baby gate to put on the stairs to stop the car coming up -- it works awesome. I sleep like a rock! Yesssss....

Unfortunately, that means that most of the time, when I wake up, I can't figure out why I am awake. And that sux. big floppy donkey dick.

Anyway, I think that I off to bed. I'm frickin' tired.

EDIT!!!!!: That should be CAT and not CAR. Those r's and t's being right next to each other are tricky. Especially when you're exhausted.


gnate said...

That's one hell of a gate, to keep a car from coming up the stairs. I told you not to feed it after midnight.

(I'm feeding the cat at work this week, but only during the day.)

Anonymous said...

*after five minutes of intense thought and re-reading post like 6 times*

"Oh, CAT!!!"


Ryan and Max's Mama said...

Is it Cat? Is it Cat?

Ryan and Max's Mama said...

It's Cat isn't it?

Colin said...

HELLOOOOOOO!! This is my first comment on your blog. I will be reading it from now on. Welcome to my list of peeps that I'm going to stay in contact with. YAY!!!

Anonymous said...

sweet! that's awesome that you knew him. he and his band are fairly decent and they boldly do their own version of Pink Floyd from time to time. Plus their light show is trippy.

I think the drummer guy was either intoxicated or druggicated when I met him was kind of funny to hear him talk about Nobu :)
