After a second review of the house, it was not as sweet as we thought and needed WAY more work than I realized, so we decided it was not worth it. I have a bunch more houses to go look at, but I'm really tempted to take a small break and let some more things come on the market and see what happens. So, I think maybe we'll not be as active, at least for a little bit. My enthusiasm has waned at this point. A break from looking at things would be nice, I think.
To answer your question there Rachel, no, we're not coming up for V-ball. It was sweet when we could go for free (or get paid) and stuff, but to spend $70 on tickets, $50 on food/drinks, $50 on gas and possibly have to take a day off from work is just not worth it for us at this point in time. I'm sure V-ball weekend will roll around and I'll have completely changed my mind and it will be too late, but there we are. I'd rather save the money at this point.
We'll come up some random weekend and hang out. That's always better for us anyway. Unless something TOTALLY sweet is going down. :)
So, I'll probably keep quiet about the house stuff for a while. I have also decided that I am really really tired of weighing as much as I do and I should probably start exercising. Which, I will attempt to start this week. I figure that if I can lost 20 pounds by the wedding of a childhood friend in STL at the end of May, I will probably be a very happy girl. We shall see what happens. I say this now, but next week could be a different story. More so, I would just like to fit into my clothes again. I have probably 20-30 skirts/pants that I can't wear currently. I would like to wear those again. I would, as Marky put it, "swim in my tux from V-Ball last year"...well, in my case, we'll call it a dress. Maybe.
Good night!
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