Monday, February 05, 2007

In case you were not aware

we lost some more houses this past weekend. And I sure pasted my displeasure at said fact in my facebook status. I'm just so frustrated. I mean, I don't really care that we didn't get the houses, because it just means that we are not meant to live there, but the arbitrariness (is that a word?) of it all frustrates me.

Anyway, after the rash of losing out on houses in the West Allis area, I've decided to turn a focus to Waukesha for two reasons. the first being that maybe we are supposed to be living out there (for whatever reason) and so we keep losing houses in West Allis for some grand plan that is taking place. The second is that for a little more money, we can get something the same out there. The higher priced house plus less escrow means equal value to me. Plus, there are really no more houses out on the market for us to look at, and I will feel defeated if I stop looking for a week.

So, onward and upwards (as Doc would say). I'm going with the agent (who has been very accomodating about all of this, because I'm sure she has plenty of other things going on right now too) out to Waukesha tomorrow to look at 4 houses and see if any of them grab my fancy. My boss said that I could take an hour during work tomorrow to go look. Plus, since Jake has to work until 8:30ish tomorrow, I can stay an extra hour at work to make up for it. Well, maybe. We'll see. :)

There is one that is looking pretty sweet -- totally redone. We'll just have to see what that entails priscely. The rest are mostly just to look at. But, I'm getting frustrated looking with my mom and dad. We're getting too many opinions. I'd rather Jake and I just talked. Instead, we just panic. Because I think that we made a bad tactical decision this weekend and didn't go for one we both wanted because there was miscommunication all around.

Anyway. I'm pretty tired and Scrubs will be on the CW shortly. More updates later this week, I'm sure. Stay Warm! :)


J said...

Ah yes, the house hunt. I think I looked at over 60 before I found the one we bought. I started in late June and looked through the end of August. Stay strong and don't worry about the agent, they don't shed a tear when they take their comission. :)

Ryan and Max's Mama said...

Well, as a buyer, I really don't contribute much to the commission...that, and I work with her, so I worry more about that. :)

Thanks! :)