Monday, January 01, 2007

Hellooooo 2007

New Years = good time

Hung out at Hastings and drank most of the afternoon. Traded calls with Colin around 6 about dinner, but when you're trying to coordinate 15 people it's no good. Ate at Arby's since other places were le closed. Was kind of drunk so didn't actually eat that much.

Watched the Packers beat up the Bears to go 8-8. I really hope that Farve is back just one more year, but it's looking pretty doubtful. He had a good year and he can still play. I say, why not? Keep a-going.

And hell, 8-8 is pretty sweet. The Packers still have the December magic.

Bunch of kids came over to Hastings before 9 and were real loud and then left. We wandered over to the House about 9:30ish, and hung. Lots of randoms this year. V. strange. Would have preferred a low key party a little more. Saw Colin, James, Johnseb, you know, the usual crowd, except a lot of the usual crowd doesn't live here anymore. Jeff, G.Nate and Adam finally (FINALLY) came over about 11pm. It was totally sweet. Jeff was Jeff, which, actually, I don't see that side of him too often anymore. Lots of guys have "my girlfriend is in the room" syndrome.

Had midnight, kissed my husband, kissed Johnseb, and just chilled. By 1 or so, everyone had calmed down or left, EXCEPT for the chick who kept hitting on Jake. That was AMAZINGLY funny to watch. I just let her do it and Jake was too drunk and too nice to stop her. I was sitting and talking to Adam and Jess a little bit and I couldn't concentrate on their music teacher discussion. Colin wandered over and I talked with him for a while, since I haven't actually had a conversation with him in 7 months. It was nice to see him and James again. And everyone. I wish that we could stay longer today, but I have a lot of cleaning to do and Josh Lee and Liz are coming down tomorrow. Ugh! It's 9:20am right now and I wish we were going home already. But, that's just me.

So, this girl that was hitting on Jake stole his visor and was hiding it behind his back and we were getting up to leave and walked over by her and very calmly and nicely said, "Can my husband have his hat back please?". Didn't even emphasize husband or anything. :) Sweet.

Went to bed around 2:15 or 2:30. I woke up at 9, because it's SUNNY OUT! YES! I love it when it's sunny. It's so great. Me = not hungover and totally sweet. :)

Old people brunch today. Well, whatever that means.

I had a great 2006 (much better than 2005), and I can't wait for what 2007 brings. I'm pretty much back to normal (for certain) and I'm looking forward to the future. Hope you all had a great end of '06 and a great start to '07.

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