G.Nate is here, right meow.
He's the first to try out the new guest bedroom. I think that the cats even left him alone last night -- like, no Mitchell banging on the door. Pretty sweet. I even rushed around and cleaned all the crap away from the door and moved the cat box out of there. I may just leave it in our room. Probably will force me to clean it out every day.
I hope that it was amazing. He's hanging around while we're both at work today and then we're driving him to the Hertel's on our way to GB for the wedding. Wish we could join everyone for Homecoming. I really want to see Fat-Z as the HC Queen.
Job Interview'd'd'd this morning. With eFunds, which is where my dad works. That should be okay, I think. I've decided what I don't like about my job -- it's my boss. She's too much of a control freak. She has to check and double check everything and can't really just trust us to do the job that we're getting paid a significant amount to be there for. How do you justify, in your mind, and in your budget, paying someone $13 an hour to do basic office work that really would be 7 or 8 bucks an hour. Maybe 9 since it's Milwaukee.
Hope the interview goes well. The lady at the MSO emailed me back and said that she would be getting back to me shortly. Probably early to mid next week, I hope. The deadline for resumes is Monday, so maybe by Wednesday she will know who she is interviewing and maybe I'll have an interview next Friday too. I'm just hoping that eFunds doesn't decide super fast that they want me, because I really want to have a genuine shot at the MSO too. Maybe I will say that I need a week to decide if they call me back right away. I don't know. I should have waited to have an interview until next week, but I was so excited that they called me back already. It's funny, because they schedule the interviews at the corporate HQ in Scottsdale, AZ, but the interview is here. I got a call from Arizona while I was working yesterday about an interview.
We'll see. Maybe the job won't be a good fit for me and I'll just have to wait to see what the MSO does anyway.
I just want a job where I actually have to use the skills that I learned in college and grad school (for the little bit that I went) instead of just whatever.
I have no issues with the place that I work, just the boss. And I will probably tell the owner that if/when I leave. I would totally buy my house through there and everything. I just don't like her. alkjsljfaljfljs!
Anyway, I am going to finish my oatmeal, so I'm not hungry during interview and then take a shower! Wish me luck!
how come you don't have a link to my blog hmmmmm? miss you
So, yeah SAI rocks!
When will you be back in town so I can brag about it in more detail?
Oh, from Theresa...
Jonhseb --
I've told you, I was hiding it. But, I'll put it back if you're okay with it being public again. Maybe. :)
I miss youuuuuu tooooo!
Teesa --
Unknown. Soon.
I hope your interviews go well! That would be really sweet if you got the job at MSO.
Oh, and I feel the same way you do about October. Usually it's my favorite month, but this year I'll be kind of glad when it's over.
oh yeah, i forgot. uhm......i guess i don't care if it's public but you can leave it off too either way. i'm not really putting much up there because well i'd rather have people talk to me if they want to know the details about me.
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