Okay, so I MIGHT drive down to UWW for State. I wasn't going to, and then, while at home for lunch (right meow), I realized that both Johnseb and Amy said that they were looking forward to seeing me.
However, I also realize that they will be down here tonight, so I might try to go find them, wherever they are staying.
The cat (big) is trying to paw his way out the front window right now.
The missing comments made me realize something. I really hate blogger sometimes. Or my web browser. Which ever.
Back to work.
I'm not going down there till tomorrow. :(
I wish you were there...if you were there, then I didn't see you. I was the maniac yelling (*shrieking really) for my HS band and for Chip Falls. :/
I saw Andrea, AMy, Andre, Sazma and the Soules, but I didn't see you. :(
Where is that quiz you used to have on your blog about listing 17 people and then answering questions about them???
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