Sunday, June 04, 2006

Destination: Wauwatosa

That's W-a-u, W-a, T-o-s-a.

You don't pronounce a second 'u' in that word.

All moved. Not unpacked, about 40% done with that. It will probably take the week to complete. It's weird to be here, but that's okay, I think. The apartment is really nice and I think that we have really nice neighbors, so things will be okay, I believe.

Glad to see that the internet didn't disappear while I was off of it for a while.

Nothing much to say, unfortunately. Just tired. Sitting and borrowing my parents internet, until we have ours in the morning tomorrow. Which I am really looking forward to.

Send me messages and things. And, hell, come down and visit us.


July 3rd, 9pm and 11pm : LEWIS BLACK at SUMMERFEST!!! alkjslkjasdflkakldsj!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whoa, sorry about that...ah, yeah...I should probably come down for that. We'll see what the attendance policy for the ol' Art History Class (History of Graphic Design) is like. I'm done at 11am, so if I leave right from class I'd get down there by 3 or 4 at the latest--then we can stumble around like drunkards at the 'Fest, probably get peed on, and watch Lewis Black and pee ourselves from laughing so hard and b/c we're still a little drunk and too afraid we'll miss something if we go to the bathroom.

See? Perf.


Anonymous said...

OK 1 more. You get tickets right meow! Or play those radio call-in games like a crazy sunuvuabitch--102.1 or KTI or someone has to be giving tickets away. You win 4-pack right now.


Ryan and Max's Mama said...

He's on a small stage -- no tickets needed -- well, except to get into Summerfest it self.

Oh, you know...

Anyway, I'm back on the internet again!


Anonymous said...

Remember when you made itself two words?

Hm...well that means we'll probably need to get there are like 5 or 6 to get sweet spots.

We'll just make Jake sit there and save our spot and bring him beer.

Ryan and Max's Mama said...

Yeah, pretty much. I'm not sure if we're going, it's very tempting. I'm not sure if we'll be camping then for Jake's birthday or something else...I'll keep you posted and by keep you posted, I mean, email you.

it self.
