When he finds out that I accidentally dropped my seven year old DVD player and now there's a part rattling around in there that wasn't before. Whoops.
I was changing them over so I could throw on a MST3K and my DVD player is SO old that it couldn't read the disks, but Jake's worked, so I was switching them. At least I broke mine and not his.
I guess that I should have just kept re-watching Firefly on DVD. Maybe it's a sign. Plus, I do love the guy that plays the Doctor character on that show. I'd totally do stuff. Mostly touching.
Well, hopefully he's not too pissed at me. We really don't need my DVD player, but it was nice to have two. Oh well.
At least I got laundry done and the living room is picked up. I even unpacked more crap and put Jake's old desk back together.
The new job is actually pretty boring. I don't know if that is something that I would do full time. I mean, I know that I'm just learning and I will probably end up learning more than originally planned, but it's just a job, like any other job. At least it's an accounting job (finally!). I really am more geared toward that sort of thing. Plus, if I stay there, the ease and cheapness of buying a house will be good. My supervisor said that the agents there will really cut you a nice deal if you work through them.
So, ANYWAY, I guess that's all. I'll fold wash, watch "Girls Town" and wait for Jake to come home so I can get yelled at. Oh, wait, here we go, he's home. BYE!
So ah, how'd that go for ya?
It was fine. Turns out the DVD player wasn't even broken. sweetness.
Yeah man. I thought I had that problem, until I discovered that it was just the remains of a sticker on a particular DVD that kept sticking to the spindle. Awesome. And then I found $5. And a Nancy and Brian who are engaged. asl;dfjasdf;sdl.
You update right meow.
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