I think that I should feel very grateful that I had such an easy miscarriage, all things considered. I have heard a couple of horror stores of D&C's, bleeding for months afterwards, etc...
Mine was on it's own, I only had bleeding for a week and my HCG (horomone) levels are dropping very swiftly. I went from 867 last Wednesday (two days post m/c) to a 48 today. Which is good. When I first had the pregnancy diagnosed (for lack of a better word), I was at a 44. So, that's really great. I'm hoping that I'm back to normal by the weekend. I want to call the PA tomorrow and ask her about coming on Monday for a blood draw instead of Wednesday and mostly ask what happens now that I am back to normal.
Otherwise, everything is same old same old. :)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Screw waiting
I'm not waiting. Forge ahead. Next chance we get, we'll keep trying. With a little luck, maybe we can still squeeze a 2008 baby in yet. Now I'll be 29. I don't want to keep waiting.
Plus, if I don't tell myself this, I'll get really depressed.
Okay, that's all I've got.
Plus, if I don't tell myself this, I'll get really depressed.
Okay, that's all I've got.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Back to Normal Life again
Whatever that is...
The second check up was good today. Everything happened on its own on Monday night, so there was nothing to see on the ultrasound today. Which means that I didn't need to have surgery to get rid of things. I'm glad that the PA didn't tell me that she thought that it would happen Monday night, b/c then I would have been expecting it.
So, they had to take blood from me to check my hormone levels and I'm still over 800. I need to be below 10. So, I go back next Wednesday to check again. Once I'm back to below 10 or zero or whatever I need to be at, we're okay to try again. But, I couldn't drink fluids after midnight last night, so when they tried to draw blood, it was nearly impossible. DEHYDRATED! So, they tried 4 times in the office and then had to send me to the lab. I have some pretty bruises forming currently.
It's very weird to me that on Sunday, I was "pregnant" and now I am not. Even though I hadn't really been "pregnant" since 2 weeks before that. But, my body is way more back to normal already. So, I'll probably start running again in March and go back to dieting and such for a bit. Try to get 20 pounds off. You know. Continue on with the New Year's Resolution list.
Anyway...that's all I've got. For now.
The second check up was good today. Everything happened on its own on Monday night, so there was nothing to see on the ultrasound today. Which means that I didn't need to have surgery to get rid of things. I'm glad that the PA didn't tell me that she thought that it would happen Monday night, b/c then I would have been expecting it.
So, they had to take blood from me to check my hormone levels and I'm still over 800. I need to be below 10. So, I go back next Wednesday to check again. Once I'm back to below 10 or zero or whatever I need to be at, we're okay to try again. But, I couldn't drink fluids after midnight last night, so when they tried to draw blood, it was nearly impossible. DEHYDRATED! So, they tried 4 times in the office and then had to send me to the lab. I have some pretty bruises forming currently.
It's very weird to me that on Sunday, I was "pregnant" and now I am not. Even though I hadn't really been "pregnant" since 2 weeks before that. But, my body is way more back to normal already. So, I'll probably start running again in March and go back to dieting and such for a bit. Try to get 20 pounds off. You know. Continue on with the New Year's Resolution list.
Anyway...that's all I've got. For now.
Monday, February 18, 2008
And we're done here. For now.
That spotting thing really turned into this: The baby hasn't grown since the last ultrasound and there was no heartbeat at the doctor's today. I go back Wednesday to check again, but I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that we officially (or perhaps unoffically) the first miscarriage of the UWEC group. Go us. woot.
(for those of you who don't know me very well, my way of dealing with things that are emotionally damaging and painful is to make jokes about it...and here we go!)
Hooray for being able to drink again! I've missed you beer.
We'll try again in the future, but not until summer probably. My mom suggested that we take a real honeymoon, since we never took one to being with. An excellent idea.
I am also looking forward to being able to lose more weight for the next round and to running again.
However: I am EXTREMELY Pissed that I didn't run at Disney. I should have. Because the reasons I didn't are now moot. and that ticks me off.
I have to run back into work now, because I only was there two hours this morning and I didn't get shit done.
Just wanted to let my faithful readers know. There will be a mini Jake running around, but not in 2008. :(
(for those of you who don't know me very well, my way of dealing with things that are emotionally damaging and painful is to make jokes about it...and here we go!)
Hooray for being able to drink again! I've missed you beer.
We'll try again in the future, but not until summer probably. My mom suggested that we take a real honeymoon, since we never took one to being with. An excellent idea.
I am also looking forward to being able to lose more weight for the next round and to running again.
However: I am EXTREMELY Pissed that I didn't run at Disney. I should have. Because the reasons I didn't are now moot. and that ticks me off.
I have to run back into work now, because I only was there two hours this morning and I didn't get shit done.
Just wanted to let my faithful readers know. There will be a mini Jake running around, but not in 2008. :(
Sunday, February 17, 2008
What a day...and it's only 1pm
To Yakob:
Explanation of BW3's Thank you Wikipedia for giving me the answers to live. Along with other randomness.
Also, Mr. Yakob: THEY ARE RELEASING THE MST3K movie ON DVD AGAIN!!!! MAY 6th!!! BE THERE!!! aslkdjfalsjdfasjdflkajsdnvoiuasdfn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!
To Josle: No, the baby is not in my heart, despite what that picture on the left says. The baby is where babies are. I'm sorry I didn't answer my phone -- you called almost the same time as my doctor did, so that's why the phone went straight to VM. I still think you're awesome!
We're getting RAIN! RAIN RAIN RAIN!! No snow yet. Just rain. Jake just shoveled 2 inches of slush ice off the driveway and out of the garage. Thank you winter. I figure as long as the house doesn't flood and we don't still have 2 feet of snow on the ground after this, we'll be good. But, I do have a feeling, tomorrow morning, it's going to be 5 inches of ice covered by 5 inches of snow. YUCK. Never mind that all the municipalities in the Greater Southeastern WI area are OUT OF SALT. No SALT. yikes. Jake went to the grocery store early today and he said is was the worst off roading he'd ever done.
I had a bit of spotting this morning, which SUCKED and scared the crap out of me, but I think it was because I was working WAY too hard yesterday, painting and stuff, but I had the on-call service page the on-call doctor and he did NOT make me feel better about it. Basically, he told me a bunch of stuff that I already knew or was total common sense.
It has stopped now, but I'm pretty much just sitting around all day, which is boring too. Oh well.
Hopefully, things go back to normal (where I didn't really feel pregnant) tomorrow and I'll be fine. But, now I have to worry about something again. Bleech.
I'm going to have some soup now, which I am very excited for. Oh! And if you really like tomato soup, Panera has some AMAZING creamy tomato soup right now. Plus Turkey Bacon Bravo. oh mi gosh. so amazing. I wish I had some right now. Or Orange Chicken plus Key Lime Pie Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory. Or anything from Maggiano's. I wish I was rich. ha ha. Can you tell I'm hungry?
Explanation of BW3's Thank you Wikipedia for giving me the answers to live. Along with other randomness.
Also, Mr. Yakob: THEY ARE RELEASING THE MST3K movie ON DVD AGAIN!!!! MAY 6th!!! BE THERE!!! aslkdjfalsjdfasjdflkajsdnvoiuasdfn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!
To Josle: No, the baby is not in my heart, despite what that picture on the left says. The baby is where babies are. I'm sorry I didn't answer my phone -- you called almost the same time as my doctor did, so that's why the phone went straight to VM. I still think you're awesome!
We're getting RAIN! RAIN RAIN RAIN!! No snow yet. Just rain. Jake just shoveled 2 inches of slush ice off the driveway and out of the garage. Thank you winter. I figure as long as the house doesn't flood and we don't still have 2 feet of snow on the ground after this, we'll be good. But, I do have a feeling, tomorrow morning, it's going to be 5 inches of ice covered by 5 inches of snow. YUCK. Never mind that all the municipalities in the Greater Southeastern WI area are OUT OF SALT. No SALT. yikes. Jake went to the grocery store early today and he said is was the worst off roading he'd ever done.
I had a bit of spotting this morning, which SUCKED and scared the crap out of me, but I think it was because I was working WAY too hard yesterday, painting and stuff, but I had the on-call service page the on-call doctor and he did NOT make me feel better about it. Basically, he told me a bunch of stuff that I already knew or was total common sense.
It has stopped now, but I'm pretty much just sitting around all day, which is boring too. Oh well.
Hopefully, things go back to normal (where I didn't really feel pregnant) tomorrow and I'll be fine. But, now I have to worry about something again. Bleech.
I'm going to have some soup now, which I am very excited for. Oh! And if you really like tomato soup, Panera has some AMAZING creamy tomato soup right now. Plus Turkey Bacon Bravo. oh mi gosh. so amazing. I wish I had some right now. Or Orange Chicken plus Key Lime Pie Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory. Or anything from Maggiano's. I wish I was rich. ha ha. Can you tell I'm hungry?
Friday, February 15, 2008
If everyone else is doing it....
why the heck not?
Seems as if there were a lot of updates today, so I'll jump on the band wagon here.
Nothing much to report on the pregnancy front. I'm little bit bigger around the mid section, which is mostly just irritating. Looks like one too many doughnuts. Or chicken wings. hmmm.....chicken wings. Speaking of that, Jake and I went to BW3's on Monday night and it was AMAZING! But, I haven't really gained weight or anything. I'm really tiring not to gain too much.
I still have a little bit of a bruise from my blood draw from my appt a week and a half ago. I don't know how that happened -- the nurse (I thought) did a good job with the draw. Oh well.
Half the framing is up in the basement and the other half is going up tomorrow, probably. That's exciting.
I'm SO tired of snow!! and cold!! and fucking winter. Go away! Too bad it's supposed to snow again Sunday. bleech.
Valentine's was fun. Jake had to work at night, so he left me my gift -- a huge box of Godiva chocolates and I got to just hang out alone, which was nice. I also managed to figure out how to rip my MST3K dvd's to my iPod and since my mom has a TON of them that she purchased over the internet that I want to rip. So, now I have more to "watch" (i.e. listen to) at work. hooray! Jake got the 4th season of Scrubs for Valentine's. Lucky him. :)
Well, I guess that's all I've got. The end.
Seems as if there were a lot of updates today, so I'll jump on the band wagon here.
Nothing much to report on the pregnancy front. I'm little bit bigger around the mid section, which is mostly just irritating. Looks like one too many doughnuts. Or chicken wings. hmmm.....chicken wings. Speaking of that, Jake and I went to BW3's on Monday night and it was AMAZING! But, I haven't really gained weight or anything. I'm really tiring not to gain too much.
I still have a little bit of a bruise from my blood draw from my appt a week and a half ago. I don't know how that happened -- the nurse (I thought) did a good job with the draw. Oh well.
Half the framing is up in the basement and the other half is going up tomorrow, probably. That's exciting.
I'm SO tired of snow!! and cold!! and fucking winter. Go away! Too bad it's supposed to snow again Sunday. bleech.
Valentine's was fun. Jake had to work at night, so he left me my gift -- a huge box of Godiva chocolates and I got to just hang out alone, which was nice. I also managed to figure out how to rip my MST3K dvd's to my iPod and since my mom has a TON of them that she purchased over the internet that I want to rip. So, now I have more to "watch" (i.e. listen to) at work. hooray! Jake got the 4th season of Scrubs for Valentine's. Lucky him. :)
Well, I guess that's all I've got. The end.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Moving right along!

So, yeah, back from the doctor today. Didn't have to have the exam part, because they just did one in November, so that was the best part! They just did the ultrasound part and the doctor was really nice. I'm very excited about having her for a doctor. There's only one (obviously from the picture) and so far everything looks good. I'm right where I should be, 8 weeks, due Sept. 15, 2008. The baby's heartbeat was 153.
So, we're a little more excited, because now we know there's actually something going on in there. Pretty sweet.
I have to see the doctor every four weeks until I get to 28 weeks and then I think she said it's once a week after that...she kind of would trail off every once and a while and I was nervous. And we will be able to find out boy or girl on May 1st.
So, that's the haps from baby town.
Nothing much else going on. More snow on the way, so that sucks. I'm just hanging out at home tonight. Pretty sweet.
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