Tuesday, November 20, 2007

300! Just in time for Turkey...

The HeyerSouth (aka Team Heyerbrau) plans for Turkey Day are as follows:

Going up to GB (not sure where we are staying, J&K's or parents) tomorrow night, spending the night and most of Thursday eating and watching football -- GO PACKERS! -- and then back home. We have to work on Friday. And this is the very reason that teachers should not complain. ha ha.

Of course, I have 3 days off around Chritmas, so I am looking forward to that very much.

I haven't been running too much lately. Not on purpose, just have trouble getting out with working so much and it getting to be night very early now. I will probably have to start going out hardcore on the weekends and crossing my fingers during the week. I would probably go out when I get home, but it's been raining a lot.

I'm waiting for pie to get done cooking. Then I can go to bed. I guess we're coming home with a bunch of stuff for the house, from Jake's parents. Chest freezer is what I am most excited about. I would also like their treadmill too. That would make running easier in the winter too. :)

Anyway, that's about it. Too bad it's not more exciting for my 300th post. oh well. This is my blog not yours! :)


Anonymous said...

Your admonishments would be way funnier if the ":)" was removed. Please do that. Now.

Cook 'em.

Cook 'em and EAT 'EM.

J said...

Did you catch BSG Razor??