Wednesday, August 22, 2007

End of the Summer

Okay, I don't really have a summer, so to speak. I mean, there is the summer season, but it's not like I have the summer to not work, etc. Maybe teachers should get paid more, but you sure can't bitch about having most of the summer free and random vacations and things. I work all day, every day. Someday, I will work my own hours -- I would rather work 5 to midnight. Okay, 3:30 to midnight. No, no, 5 to midnight.

But, we can't get to fall fast enough for me. I love fall. It's my favorite. Not only my birthday, but it's pretty, and I can be cool at night. V. good. However, it is storming here again today, just like all week and last weekend. At least it's warmish. It was so COLD last weekend. I forgot what it is like to be cold.

I'm starting classes here in a couple weeks. Apparently, my last foundation class for accounting, besides Income Tax accounting, is taught by a teacher who thinks that graduate students taking a night class are really undergrads living on campus and need to be constrained by an attendance policy. And not only an attendance policy, a PARTICIPATION policy. Part of the grade! 10% of the grade. WTF? I understand the importance of attending, and I won't try to skip unless I'm really just totally exhausted, but I do work full time and shit happens, especially in the winter. Le sigh. I already think the teacher is a psycho and class hasn't started yet.

I'm also still waiting for my books -- bought on Much cheaper than the used on the uwm bookstore site. I really need to head down to campus next week, so I can figure out where I am going...I have a general knowledge of where I am going, but I would like to know for sure. We'll see what happens.

I have been working so hard lately that I am always tired. Like I never catch up. I am really hoping that this weekend is good to me. Nothing to do, nowhere to go, and I have most of Saturday to myself. I will either do a ton or nothing. Most likely, nothing. Constantly tired. I really don't like it. I miss resting and screwing around at work as opposed to working my butt off all the time. Oh well. That's life, I suppose. July and August have been a nightmare there.

So, anyway, the training for the running thing hasn't been going that well. I had a pretty good week last week, but with the rain and my lethargy this week, I haven't done much. And I've been eating not good this week either. I've gotta get back on the train.

Well, I tried to be as upbeat as I could, but alas, I have failed. Oh well. I'm going to cross stitch and just chill out.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Teachers getting paid more: agreed.

Teachers not bitching about summer: agreed.

I believe we are in agreement!