Friday, June 01, 2007

Time for an update (but, only because it's been awhile)

Well, my ankle turned out to be just fine -- I iced it at work, took some drugs and by the next day, I was fine again. Well, if I step on it right, it twinges a little bit, but that's not a super big deal.

The trip to Saint Louis was good too. It was nice to see Maggie and Ryan and they kitties. My friends' wedding was really nice and it was nice to see him again -- I probably hadn't seen him in 10 years, maybe. If not longer. His wife is nice too.

Saint Louis was hot and muggy most of the time. I got tired of being hot.

May 28th was our 2nd wedding anniversary! Jake really liked his gift. A Lot. Ask him if you really want to know what he got. I got to pick out a necklace from Kay Jewelers -- it is one of those journey pendants with diamonds and sapphires in it. It's not a big necklace, but it's pretty. New got our rings cleaned and polished too, so that was nice. I also got some chocolates from Godiva (the dark chocolate kind) and I plan on getting the GhostHunters DVD's when I get a chance to go to Best Buy.

Finally, we plan on finishing the move this weekend. We're tired of being between places. So, I'm going to spend most of the day tomorrow boxing up the remaining crap in the apartment and pulling all the stuff out of the bedrooms, so I can haul some of it over to the house and what ever is left will go over in the truck that Jake is going to borrow from work tomorrow night.

So, hopefully, by Sunday, we will be all moved over. I will come back this week to the apartment to clean it and turn in our stuff to the apt manager and be done with this place.

Then, we can finally have that party that I was so actively talking about months ago. Maybe. Maybe I'll just have a Harry POtter Book Seven Party instead. BAH!

Until later....

EDIT: Plan B for move: Whatever...

1 comment:

Maria H. said...

Happy Anniversary! I was thinking of you!!I vote for a Harry Potter Party. Did you know there is going to be a HP theme park in 2009?